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In 20 free video episodes available on The Israel Story app, you will learn about the central role that Israel and the Jewish people play in the story that God is telling.  This interactive manual, including beautiful photographs from Israel, accompanies The Israel Story videos to enhance and deepen your learning experience. The Kindle edition and iBooks edition are available now and the physical copy is coming soon.

The creation of the Jewish people as a distinct people group, the choice of them to be His people, and the promise to give them the land of Canaan as their inheritance were entirely God’s ideas from the beginning. God deeply committed himself to the fulfillment of these purposes by His promise, His word, His covenant, and His oath. In doing so, He connected His honor, character, and reputation to their fulfillment. Therefore, regardless of Israel’s failures, God will fulfill His commitments because that is who God is.

John Myers, The Israel Story