The Israel Story Manual – Physical Book


This is a 20 chapter bible study manual for The Israel Story video course.


The Israel Story is an interactive bible study for churches and individuals.  In this 7-hour in-depth teaching you will learn about the central role that Israel and the Jewish people play in the story that God is telling.  From Genesis to Revelation, journey with us as we tell the story of God’s faithfulness and goodness to all mankind expressed through His interaction with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. The Israel Story teaching is comprehensive, simple, relational, and presented in a spirit of humility without compromising truth. Discover more fully God’s love and plan for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel and  the unique and miraculous way they are being expressed and fulfilled in our day.

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John guides you through the Israel Story with simplicity and clarity. There is a Big Story that encompasses all of our smaller stories. It is the story that God is telling and it is found in the pages of the Bible. The central characters in this story are the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, not just in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, not just in the past, but in the present and the future, as well. As you might expect, the hero of the Israel Story is a Jew. His name is Jesus, Yeshua in Hebrew. The Israel Story is a story of human weakness and failure, but it is also a story of healing, restoration, and love. It is the greatest rescue story ever enacted and ever told, and it has a good ending! John’s personal story mirrors the Israel Story. It is also a story of human weakness, failure, healing, restoration, and love. John is a Jew, who became a believer and follower of Jesus (Yeshua) in 1972. He was a hippy, bank president, and pastor in Jerusalem. In 24 video segments, which are available for free on The Israel Story app or at this web address:, John guides us through the Israel story and tells his story, too. This manual, which includes beautiful photographs from Israel, is designed to accompany The Israel Story videos.